Research Publications

  • Ritesh Kumar, Rajendra Pamula, "Social Book Search: a survey", Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer , pp.95-139 ,2018
  • Ritesh Kumar & Rajendra Pamula Book, "Recommendation using Query Expansion and information Retrieval Methods", International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN), IEEE ,2018
  • Hemant S. Goklani, Dr. Jignesh N. Sarvaiya, Fahad A. M., "A Review on Image Reconstruction Using Compressed Sensing Algorithms: OMP, CoSaMP and NIHT", International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), IJIGSP , volume 9, issue 8 ,2017
  • I Perfilieva, Anand P. Singh, S. P. Tiwari, "On the relationship among F-transform, fuzzy rough set and fuzzy topology", Soft Computing, Springer Nature, pp.3513-3523 ,2017
  • I Perfilieva, A.P. Singh, S.P. Tiwari, "On F-transforms, L-fuzzy partitions and L-fuzzy pretopological spaces", 2017 IEEE SSCI, Hawaii-US, IEEE, pp.1-6 ,2017
  • Singh, J. P., Irani, S., Rana, N. P., Dwivedi, Y. K., Saumya, S., & Pradeep Kumar Roy, "Predicting the ?helpfulness? of online consumer reviews", Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, pp.346-355 ,2017
  • A. P. Singh, S. P. Tiwari, "On residuated lattice based fuzzy variable precision F-transform", IFSA SCIS-2017, OSAKA, Japan, IEEE , pp.1-6 ,2017
  • Md Tauseef, Sudeep Sharma, Rita Jain, "A Survey on Leakage Reduction on Logic Gate in Deep Submicron Technology", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Seventh Sense Research Group, volume 35, issue 5, pp.228-232 ,2016
  • Hemant S. Goklani, Dr. Jignesh N. Sarvaiya, Fahad A. M., "Image Super-Resolution using Single Image Semi Coupled Dictionary Learning", International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), volume 10, issue 3 ,2016
  • Md Tauseef, Sudeep Sharma, Rita Jain, "A Novel Leakage Reduction Technique for Ultra-low Power in VLSI Circuit", International Journal of Computer Applications, Foundation of Computer Science, volume 127, issue 3, pp.29-34 ,2016
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